General terms and conditions for Sales on the SILVRR App

General terms and conditions for Sales on the SILVRR App

  1. SCOPE

The SILVRR App can only be used by consumers, meaning natural persons acting for purposes outside their commercial, craft or professional activity , that have been successfully registered for the use of the App in accordance with the conditions for the use of the SILVRR App (“Terms of Use”)

For all orders via the SILVRR App by consumers, the following Terms of Sale apply in the version agreed to at the time of the purchase process. Any Annex or Schedule attached is part of the Terms of Use.


The purchase contract is concluded either with (i) Cotsworlds Ecommerce Limited SA, with company seat at Avenue Louise 65 Box 11, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, enrolled in the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number 0771.804.155 (“SILVRR” or “us”) or (ii) a third party merchant selling goods via the SILVRR App, (“Third-Party Seller”) (SILVRR and Third-Party Seller are herein each referred to as “Seller”). You can contact SILVRR by writing to The full name of the Seller and how to contact the Seller is displayed on the sales page and in the checkout process in the SILVRR App. Only the respective Seller is obliged to provide the buyer with possession and ownership of the specific good purchased by the buyer via the app.

The specific Seller is solely responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations of the purchase contract under this Terms of Sale. In case of sales of Third-Party Sellers, SILVRR does not take any responsibility for the sale of goods via SILVRR App and does not act as a vicarious agent for the Seller.

The presentation of the products in the app does not constitute a legally binding offer, but is rather a non-binding catalog. You can initially place the products in the shopping cart without obligation to purchase these products and correct your entries at any time before sending your binding order by using the correction tools provided and explained for this purpose in the order process. By clicking the order button, you submit a binding offer for the goods contained in the shopping cart. The confirmation of receipt of your order will be sent by e-mail immediately after sending the order.

The Seller will accept your offer within two days by:

  • issuing a declaration of acceptance in a separate e-mail; or
  • having the goods delivered; or
  • if applicable, the payment transaction is executed by the selected payment service provider. The time of execution of the payment transaction depends on the respective selected payment method (see under “Payment“).

During the two-days period the Seller has to accept the offer, your offer remains valid. The alternative that is relevant to you is based on which of the enumerated events occurs first.


The language(s) available for the conclusion of the contract: French and English.

In case of inconsistencies between the different language versions, the language version selected during the purchase process and provided to you in the confirmation email shall prevail.

The text of the contract, the order data and our Terms of Sale will be sent electronically to the buyer. The buyer can also view this information (text of the contract, the order data and this Terms of Sale) in the SILVRR App.


Seller will deliver your order within France. Shipping costs will be added to the indicated product prices. You can find out more about the amount of the shipping costs on

Delivery will only be done by mail order. Unfortunately, self-collection of the goods is not possible. The exact details on the delivery methods offered for the specific product can be found on the respective product page.

For more information about the delivery, see the product description.


You will be able to pay using any of the payment methods available at any time on the app. Among them you can find:

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard)

By submitting the order you provide your credit card details. Your card will be charged after the goods are shipped.


Within a 14-day period starting from the delivery of the goods, consumers are entitled to the statutory right of withdrawal, as described in the text of the purchase contract and in the withdrawal information provided to you in the separate document in the checkout process in the SILVRR App.

You shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods. The costs are estimated at a maximum of approximately 50 EUR.


The goods remain in the property of the Seller until full payment of all sums due by the buyer under the purchase agreement.


If goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please complain about such defects to the Seller as soon as possible and contact us immediately. Failure to make a complaint or contact Seller has no consequences for your legal claims and their enforcement, especially your warranty rights. However, they help us to be able to assert Seller’s own claims against the carrier or the transport insurance.


9.1 Validity of the statutory liability for defects

Unless otherwise expressly agreed below, the statutory liability for defects shall apply.

The statutory liability for defects shall not apply to claims based on damage caused by Seller, Seller’s legal representatives or vicarious agents (if any):

  • in case of injury to life, body or health;
  • in case of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty as well as fraudulent intent;
  • in the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper execution of the contract and compliance with which the buyer may regularly rely on (cardinal obligations);
  • within the scope of a guarantee promise, if agreed; or
  • in any other case included in the statutory provisions.

9.2 Guarantees and after sales service

Information on any additional warranties that may apply and their exact terms can be found with the product and in the SILVRR App.


You can address any complaint you may have to: If the complaint concerns SILVRR itself, SILVRR will reply on its own behalf. If this is not the case, SILVRR will forward the Complaint to the respective Third-Party Seller.

Our customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 until 21:00, unless when these days are banking holidays in Belgium.

In case of Third-Party Sellers, you can also contact the Third-Party Sellers directly. The full name of the Seller and how to contact the Seller, is displayed on the sales page and in the checkout process in the SILVRR app.


For claims based on a damage caused by the Seller, the legal representatives of the Seller or vicarious agents, the Seller is always liable without limitation in the following cases:

  • in case of injury to life, body or health;
  • in case of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty;
  • in the case of guarantee promises, if agreed; or
  • in any other case included in the statutory provisions.

In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper execution of the contract and compliance with which the buyer may regularly rely on (cardinal obligations) due to slight negligence on the Seller’s part, on the part of its legal representatives or vicarious agent, the amount of liability shall be limited to the damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected.

Otherwise, claims for damages are excluded.

Notwithstanding the above, if the goods do not conform to the contract, you may choose between repair or replacement unless either of these two options is impossible or, in comparison with the other remedial measure, would entail disproportionate costs for the Seller, taking into account all the circumstances. Where the Seller fails to implement any of the corrective measures set out above or where the lack of conformity is very serious, the consumer may demand a proportionate reduction of the price or termination of the contract.


You may resort to any of the following dispute resolution schemes:

  • The European Commission provides buyers with a free–to-use platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here [].
  • Provided that the dispute does not involve intoxication, injury or death or there are reasonable indications of a crime, the out-of-court system for resolving disputes between consumers and businesses, without special formalities and with a binding and enforceable nature for both parties, is the Consumer Ombudsman Service.
  • In any event, without prejudice to overriding and mandatory legal provisions providing for the competence of other jurisdictions the Seller and the buyer may seize the courts of Brussels, Belgium for any dispute arising from or relating directly or indirectly to the purchase agreement.

If your order includes goods whose sale is subject to age restrictions, the Seller shall ensure that the customer has reached the required minimum age by using a reliable procedure involving a personal identity and age check. The delivery person will hand over the goods only after the age check has been carried out and only to the customer in person. Delivery to packing stations is not possible in this case.


Belgian law applies to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In the case of consumers, this choice of law shall only apply insofar mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence do not foresee otherwise.

Should individual provision of these Terms of Use be or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity and enforceability of the remaining (part of the) provisions of these Terms of Use shall not be affected thereby. The invalid, illegal and/or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be replaced by such valid, legal and enforceable provision which corresponds as far as possible to the spirit and economic purpose of these Terms of Use and the original intention of the parties.


General terms and conditions for using SILVRR App


Cotsworlds Ecommerce Limited SA, with company seat at Avenue Louise 65 Box 11, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, enrolled in the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number 0771.804.155 (“SILVRR”) operates an app through which consumers, meaning natural persons acting for purposes outside their commercial, craft or professional activity, (“User(s)” or “you”) can purchase goods from SILVRR or other merchants, who sell goods via the app, after they have registered in the app (“SILVRR App“).

  1. SCOPE

These terms and conditions for the use of the SILVRR App (“Terms of Use“) shall apply to all contracts concluded between Users and SILVRR with regard to the use of the App (“Contract”).

For the purchase of the goods via SILVRR App, separate terms and conditions (“Terms of Sale”) apply.

The User may download and save the current version of these Terms of Use in the SILVRR App. SILVRR will also send the version of the Terms of Use valid at the time of the registration in the confirmation email sent after the successful confirmation, but will not store the Terms of Use for the User in the SILVRR App.



The use of the SILVRR App is free of charge for Users and requires registration.

Users are only allowed to register if they are consumers and are at least 18 years old.

The User must use the SILVRR App on his or her own account. The User shall not act on behalf of another person.

Multiple registrations or registration with incorrect data will not be accepted.

For the purpose of registration, the User enters his or her name and an email address in the SILVRR App. Before the User submits his or her name and e-mail address, he or she can correct the entries. If the email address is not already registered, a verification code will be sent to the email address entered. The User shall enter this verification code in the SILVRR App order to proceed with the registration. After successfully entering the verification code, the User selects a password and enters the selected password. Subsequently, the User will receive a confirmation email to the entered email address. The registration is completed by receipt of the confirmation email. With the receipt of this confirmation email the Contract in accordance with this Terms of Use is concluded between the User and SILVRR. Registration via an already existing social media account (such as Facebook) is also possible. Therefore, the User logs in via his or her social media account by entering his or her access data for the social media account. The registration is completed by receipt of the confirmation email.  The User has no legal right to registration. SILVRR may, at its own discretion, refuse the registration, e.g. if it considers that the User is in breach of the Terms of Use. The User shall not share his or her password with third parties and must keep it secret and protect it from unauthorized access by third parties.

SILVRR’s policies and procedures relating to the use of the Users’ personal data in connection with the SILVRR App are outlined in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

The User can delete his or her account at any time, for any reason, by following the account deletion instructions on the SILVRR App.


After successful registration, the User is entitled to use the SILVRR App in accordance with these Terms of Use.

During the term of this Contract in accordance with these Terms of Use, the User is obligated to keep all the data which the User has entered during the registration process and in the checkout-process for purchases in the SILVRR App (e.g. delivery and billing addresses, payment methods) up to date. Changes to this information can be made in the SILVRR App.


Registered Users can use the SILVRR App for concluding purchase contracts in accordance with the Terms of Sale with either SILVRR or a merchant, who sells goods via the SILVRR App, as a third party (“Third-Party Seller”) (SILVRR and the Third-Party Seller are each referred to as “Seller”). The full name of the respective Seller is displayed on the sales page and in the checkout process in the SILVRR App. The presentation and advertising of goods on the SILVRR App does not constitute a legally binding offer to conclude a purchase contract. The specific Seller is solely responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations of the purchase contract in accordance with the Terms of Sale. In case of sales of Third-Party Sellers, SILVRR, as the SILVRR App operator, does not take any responsibility for the sale of goods via the SILVRR App and does not act as vicarious agent for the Seller.



Users have the option to evaluate and comment on purchases and Sellers on the SILVRR App visibly for other Users (“Feedback”).

Users are required to evaluate and comment objectively. It is prohibited to make false statements about the Seller, SILVRR, third parties, goods, the sales process or other performances of SILVRR and/or the Seller. Furthermore, it is, among others, prohibited:

  • to insult (i.e., incite hatred towards) Sellers, SILVRR as operator of the App or Seller, third parties and/or other Users;
  • to violate the rights of third parties (especially copyright, trademark rights, patents, personal rights);
  • to publish racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or other discriminatory content;
  • to publish other legally prohibited content;
  • to include content that consists of or contain software viruses.

If the User deletes his or her account, the given Feedback will remain visible to all Users, but the account will no longer be retrievable and will be marked in the feedback section of the SILVRR App as “deleted”.


In case you provide Feedback or you make available other content for display on the SILVRR App (for example, images, videos, or audio, collectively, “Content“), you grant SILVRR a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, royalty-free right to use, reproduce, publish and modify (just technically – with the exception of deleting – to be able to display the Content in the SILVRR App) such Content on the SILVRR App throughout the world and the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such Content.


SILVRR can take the following measures if there are concrete indications that a User violates legal regulations or the prohibitions pursuant to section 5.1 or to protect Users from fraudulent activities:

  • warning Users;
  • deleting Feedback;
  • restricting the use of the SILVRR App;
  • temporary blocking the User; and finally
  • blocking the User (terminate this SILVRR App Contract extraordinarily).

When deciding whether or which measure to take, SILVRR will take into account the legitimate interests of the affected User, in particular whether there are indications that the User is not responsible for the violation. Furthermore, the User shall be given the opportunity to comment on the accusation. SILVRR shall also take such statement into account in its decision.


The User shall indemnify SILVRR from all claims that other users or other third parties assert against SILVRR due to infringement of their rights by the User through his or her Feedback and other content or due to his or her other use of the SILVRR App. This does not apply if the User is not responsible for the infringement. In the event of a claim by a third party, the User is obligated to provide SILVRR immediately, truthfully and completely with all information that is necessary for the examination of the claims and a defense. In addition, the User is obligated to support SILVRR in the defense of claims to the extent necessary and reasonable.


The User is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of his or her account and password and for restricting access to his or her computer and mobile devices. The User shall keep his or her login and password secret and protect them against unauthorized access by third parties.

Users are required to inform SILVRR’s customer service immediately if there is evidence that a user account has been used by a third party.

Furthermore, the User shall change his or her password immediately and check whether goods were purchased or Feedback was left via his or her account without his or her involvement. In case of purchases and Feedback left without his or her involvement, the User is obliged to report these incidents to SILVRR and the police.

In case of an evidence that a User account has been used or is used by a third party, SILVRR is entitled to temporarily block the account and ask the User to update the password. SILVRR shall immediately inform the User thereof.


The rights to the SILVRR App and the displayed and transmitted content remain with the respective copyright holders and are subject to copyright protection. Users only have usage rights to the SILVRR App and its content in accordance with the specifications below.

SILVRR provides the User with internet-based access to the SILVRR App during the term of this Contract. The SILVRR App is provided to the User for use after successful registration. For this purpose, SILVRR grants the User the right to use the SILVRR App and its functions for contractual use, which primarily includes the right to purchase goods via the SILVRR App. This right is non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and limited to the use (purchase of goods, feedback) necessary under this Terms of Use and the Terms for Sale.  The User does not receive any further rights with regard to the SILVRR App, unless these rights are mandatory according to statutory provisions.

The subject of the above right of use also refers to new versions, updates and upgrades of the SILVRR App installed during the term of this Contract.


SILVRR makes the SILVRR App available on average 99,7% based on a calendar year. Downtimes affecting the User will be reported by SILVRR to an email address provided by the User.

Maintenance times are not taken into account when determining the availability.

To ensure the quality and further development of the SILVRR App, SILVRR may announce maintenance windows during which SILVRR may not provide the SILVRR App. This time will not be considered in the calculation of availability. As far as possible, SILVRR will schedule maintenance windows at times of low utilization. Maintenance windows will be announced to the User by email and with reasonable advance notice.

The calculation of availability also does not take into account times when the SILVRR App is unavailable due to urgent adjustments or updates to the IT infrastructure used for the SILVRR App to fix security vulnerabilities, acutely unstable software/hardware or in case of imminent danger, such as ongoing attacks. In such cases, SILVRR may also make use of unscheduled and unannounced maintenance periods. However, SILVRR will make every effort to notify the User immediately and inform the User by email about the status of the process.

When calculating the availability, times during which the SILVRR App cannot be accessed due to technical or other problems that are not within the sphere of influence of SILVRR [force majeure, fault of third parties (who are not vicarious agents), causes within the sphere of influence of the User (e.g. hardware faults), etc.] are also not included.


You can address any complaint you may have to: If the complaint concerns SILVRR itself, SILVRR will reply on its own behalf. If this is not the case, SILVRR will forward the complaint to the respective Third-Party Seller for it to respond.

Our customer service is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 until 21:00, unless when these days are banking holidays.

In case of sale of Third-Party Seller, you can also contact the Third-Party Seller directly. The full name of the Seller and how to contact the Seller, is displayed on the sales page and in the checkout process in the SILVRR app.


For claims based on a damage caused by SILVRR, the legal representatives of SILVRR or vicarious agents, SILVRR is always liable without limitation:

  • in case of injury to life, body or health;
  • in case of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty;
  • in the case of guarantee promises, if agreed; or
  • in any other case included in the statutory provisions.

In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper execution of the Contract and compliance with which the User may regularly rely on (cardinal obligations) due to slight negligence on SILVRR’s part, on the part of our legal representatives or vicarious agents, the amount of liability shall be limited to the damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected.

Otherwise, claims for damages are excluded.


This Contract shall have an indefinite term and may be terminated by either party with 1 months’ notice to the end of the month. The right to terminate for cause remains unaffected. The termination must be in text form.

Purchase contracts concluded via the SILVRR App in accordance with the Terms of Sale remain unaffected by the termination of the Contract.



SILVRR shall be entitled to make changes to the IT systems used to provide SILVRR App and to the technical functionalities of the SILVRR App at any time if and insofar as this is necessary for a valid reason that was not foreseeable at the time this Contract was concluded and the change is reasonable for the User. A valid reason exists if these changes are necessary to adapt to the state of the art or to optimize, in particular to maintain or improve IT systems and functionalities of the SILVRR App or if newly enacted or amended statutory requirements, in particular regulatory requirements, necessitate such a change. And such changes to the technical functionalities of the SILVRR App shall not lead to unilateral deterioration and/or discontinuation of functionalities.


SILVRR may amend this Terms of Use insofar as this is necessary to adapt to developments that were not foreseeable when this Contract was concluded and which SILVRR did not cause or cannot influence or due to developments customary in the market and whose non-consideration would not insignificantly disrupt the balance of the contractual relationship between the Parties and insofar as this does not affect essential provisions of the contractual relationship. Essential provisions are those concerning the type and scope of the contractually agreed services and the term including the provisions on termination. Furthermore, the SILVRR Terms of Use may be amended if this is necessary to eliminate not insignificant difficulties in the performance of this Contract due to contractual loopholes that have arisen after the conclusion of this Contract. This may be the case in particular, if the case law on the effectiveness of provisions of these Terms of Use changes, if one or more provisions of these Terms of Use are declared invalid by the case law or if a change in the law leads to the invalidity of one or more provisions of these Terms of Use and/or in case changes are required due to legal requirements.

Such amendments to the Terms of Use will be communicated to the User in text form no later than two months before the proposed date of their entry into force. The User may either accept or reject the changes, at the latest, one month before their proposed effective date.

The User’s consent shall be deemed to be granted if the User has not indicated his or her refusal, at the latest, one month before their proposed effective date. SILVRR will in its notification about the offering of the amendment separately inform the User of this approval effect and his or her right to reject.


You may resort to any of the following dispute resolution schemes:

  • The European Commission provides Users with a free to use platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here [].
  • Provided that the dispute does not involve intoxication, injury or death or there are reasonable indications of a crime, the out-of-court system for resolving disputes between consumers and businesses, without special formalities and with a binding and enforceable nature for both parties, is the Consumer Ombudsman Service.
  • In any event, without prejudice to overriding and mandatory legal provisions providing for the competence of other jurisdictions (for example for consumers), SILVRR and Users may seize the courts of Brussels, Belgium for any dispute arising from or relating directly or indirectly to the Contract.

Belgian law applies to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In the case of consumers, this choice of law shall only apply insofar mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his or her habitual residence do not foresee otherwise.

Contract language is French and English. In case of inconsistencies between the different language versions, the language version selected during the registration shall prevail.

Should individual provision of these Terms of Use be or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity and enforceability of the remaining (part of the) provisions of these Terms of Use shall not be affected thereby. The invalid, illegal and/or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be replaced by such valid, legal and enforceable provision which corresponds as far as possible to the spirit and economic purpose of these Terms of Use and the original intention of the parties.