Akulaku Finance and Permata Bank Establish Strategic Cooperation to Improve Services and Financial Inclusion

Jakarta, 2 September 2021– A digital-based financing company part of the Akulaku Group, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, has entered into a strategic partnership with PT Bank Permata Tbk (PermataBank). Through this collaboration, Akulaku Finance obtained a funding facility from PermataBank which will be used to improve consumer service and financial inclusion in Indonesia. President Director … Baca Selengkapnya

Akulaku Finance Increases Collaboration with Bank Jago

A finance company part of the Akulaku Group, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia is increasing collaboration with Bank Jago to jointly distribute financing to the public. The addition of the funding facility which was signed on Monday, March 29 2021 at the same time proves mutual trust and cooperation that is mutually beneficial. Akulaku Finance will … Baca Selengkapnya

Akulaku Finance Optimistic Paylater Will Be More Popular in 2021

Jakarta, 9 March 2021 – The financing company part of the Akulaku Group, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, is optimistic about the growth rate of paylater users in Indonesia. President Director of Akulaku Finance Indonesia Efrinal Sinaga revealed that there are a number of supporting factors that can increase the paylater trend as a life style in … Baca Selengkapnya

Akulaku Finance Agree to Collaborate on Financing with 4 Rural Credit Banks (BPR)

Jakarta, 22 February 2021 – A financing company part of the Akulaku Group, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, has entered into a financing partnership with four rural credit banks. This collaboration allows Akulaku to absorb syndicated funding to be channeled as financing under an executing scheme. The four BPRs involved in the collaboration include PT Bank … Baca Selengkapnya

Electronic Goods, Fashion and Furniture Dominate Akulaku Installment Transactions in 2020

Jakarta, 18 January 2021 – PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia (Akulaku) recorded a significant increase in installment transactions for the purchase of a number of categories of goods throughout 2020. Electronic products, men’s fashion and furniture were a number of categories that experienced a very drastic increase in orders during the pandemic . The increase in … Baca Selengkapnya