Agreement Number: {contractId}
This document is the Financing Agreement (“Financing”) (“Agreement”) created on date {agreementDate}, this Agreement consists of information provided by the consumer, Terms and Conditions, proof of payment/bill/receipt/related, and all appendices mentioned.
Name {icName}, ID Card No {icNo}, Telephone / Mobile Phone Number {phoneNumber}, and Address as stated on the Debtor’s ID Card with which copy whether in printed format or in electronic document format is part of this Agreement.
B.The Debtor has submitted a Financing application with the type of product in accordance with Order Details No: {orderNo} on the Shop application amounting to Rp{totalAmount} and/or as detailed in the related proof of payment/bill/receipt (“Product”) which is an integral part of this Agreement.
PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, a financing company registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), having its address at Sahid Sudirman Center 11th Floor Unit C, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 86 Central Jakarta, through the Credit Risk Head based on a Special Power of Attorney granted by the President Director of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia and therefore in this case has the right and authority to represent the Creditor to agree and sign this Agreement for and on behalf of the interest of the Creditor.
Financing Principal | : | Rp{principal} |
Down Payment: | : | Rp{downPayment} |
Financing Objects | : | In accordance with the appendix |
Monthly Interest Rate | : | {monthlyInterestRate} |
Interest in Rupiah per Month | : | In accordance with provision E of the Agreement |
Platform or Seller: | : | Shop |
Service Fee | : | Rp{ServiceFee} |
Insurance Fee | : | 0 |
Miscellaneous Fees | : | 0 |
The Creditor will charge an interest on the Financing Principal which is included in the amount of the Monthly Installment Repayment. The total amount of interest that must be paid by the Debtor is equal to the Financing Principal multiplied by the Monthly Interest Rate and further multiplied by the Installment Tenure, which amounts to Rp{interestFee} (“Total Interest Amount”).
The following are the details of Monthly Installment Repayment for installment period of {period} installments:
Installment Repayment Date | Installment Repayment Amount | Monthly Interest in Rupiah | Financing Principal Amount | Service Fee |
{1strepaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {1stmonthInterest Amount} | {1stmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{2ndrepaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {2ndmonthInterest Amount} | {2ndmonthPrincipal Amount} | {ServiceFee} |
{3rdrepaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {3rdmonthInterest Amount} | {3rdmonthPrincipal Amount} | {ServiceFee} |
{4threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {4thmonthInterest Amount} | {4thmonthPrincipal Amount} | {ServiceFee} |
{5threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {5thmonthInterest Amount} | {5thmonthPrincipal Amount} | {ServiceFee} |
{6threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {6thmonthInterest Amount} | {6thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{7threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {7thmonthInterest Amount} | {7thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{8threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {8thmonthInterest Amount} | {8thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{9threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {9thmonthInterest Amount} | {9thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{10threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {10thmonthInterest Amount} | {10thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{11threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {11thmonthInterest Amount} | {11thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
{12threpaymentdate} | {monthlyRepaymentAmountinRupiah} | {12thmonthInterest Amount} | {12thmonthPrincipalAmount} | {ServiceFee} |
The Debtor is required to make Monthly Installment Repayments regularly and on time where the installments must be paid by the Debtor every month starting from the date of printing of the first bill to the date of printing of the last bill, or until the entire amount owed by the Debtor based on this Agreement has been paid to the Creditor with the value and schedule of Monthly Installment Repayments as stipulated in the Installment Repayment table above. The Debtor is required to make installment repayments by selecting the payment method provided in the electronic application to implement this Agreement, with options in the form of payment via Bank Transfer, Virtual Account, and other channels that have collaborated with the Creditor.
Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty that will be imposed on the Debtor for each overdue Monthly Installment Repayment of outstanding and overdue bills is 6% of the total unpaid monthly installment payments, unpaid interest, and administrative fees (“Monthly Installments”) calculated for 1 (one) month delay. Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty begins to be imposed on the second day of late Monthly Installment Repayment after the due date. If the Debtor still has not fully paid the Monthly Installments in the following month, the Debtor will again be subject to an Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty of 6% of the Monthly Installments for that month and so on. In the event that the Debtor makes payments on part of the Monthly Installments, an Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty will be imposed on the remaining Monthly Installments that must be made by the Debtor. Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty are subject to a maximum of up to 4 months of delay.
G.If there is a disputebetween the Debtor and the Creditor arising from or in connection with this Agreement (“Dispute”), then that the options for the Dispute resolution mechanism are as follows: 1) Deliberation to reach a consensus with the Creditor; 2) Dispute Settlement through Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions appointed by the Financial Services Authority in accordance with applicable regulations; 3) Registrar Office of the Central Jakarta District Court. Requirementsstipulated in connection with the settlement of Disputes through this consumer complaint unit are further stipulated in the K Point in the Appendix to this Agreement regarding the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.
H.The Debtor has read, understood, and agreed to comply with this entire Agreement, including all procedures, terms, and conditions, and is not limited to Financing Terms and Conditionsattached to the electronic application and is an integral part of this Agreement. All agreements given by the Debtor through the use of electronic applications and/or agreements on other electronic documents (including but not limited to those related to the Debtor’s Personal Data) become an integral part of this Agreement.
THEREFORE, this Agreement is approved electronically in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations which are valid and have the same force as an agreement made and signed physically. By giving approval via electronic application on the date and time set out in the column below, the Debtor has agreed that the Debtor will not deny, refute or not recognize the terms and conditions that have been agreed and contained in this Agreement.
Place: Central Jakarta Date: {agreementDate} CREDITOR PT AKULAKU FINANCE INDONESIA
This is an electronic consent that can be printed automatically and is valid. No physical signature is required Name: Hardiansyah Nur Sahaya Capacity: Credit Risk Head as a proxy for PT AKULAKU FINANCE INDONESIA
| Place: Central Jakarta Date: {agreementDate} DEBTOR {icName}
This is an electronic consent that can be printed automatically and is valid. No physical signature is required Name: {icName} |
Agreement Number: {contractId}
A.General Terms and Conditions
1.These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Agreement and have references to Financing, Financing Use and Purchase of Products, Creditor, Debtor, Financing Principal, Down Payment, Monthly Interest Rate per Month, Installment Tenure, Financing Period, Amount of Monthly Installment Repayment, Due Date, Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty, other fees and matters specified and termed in capital letters, with the meaning according to the Details of Multipurpose Financing, and govern all matters related to the Financing.
2.The Debtor agrees that: (a) The legal relationship between the Creditor and the Debtor is only related to Financing; (b) The legal relationship created based on the Use of Financing in the form of Product Purchases is only between the Debtor and the Seller; and (c) Debtor are not allowed to receive money as a substitute for the Use of Financing in the form of Product Purchases.
3. Personal Data means the Debtor’s identity information (which is public or confidential), documents, occupation, financial position, fingerprints (if required), photos, social media profile data, and emergency contacts that have been voluntarily given by the Debtor to the Creditor, or legally obtained by the Creditor with the provisions of the Creditor will notify the Debtor regarding the source that legally provides the Debtor’s personal data to the Creditor. Based on the prior approval of the Debtor, Creditor and parties appointed by the Creditor may: (a) Collect, store, analyze and use Personal Data legally obtained by the Creditor; (b) Examining and verifying Personal Data, credit bureau records, references related to the Debtor, one thing or another in the form of a series of actions aimed at finding out the feasibility of providing financing to the Debtor; (c) Obtaining, sharing and/or disclosing Personal Data to the following parties: every affiliated company of the Creditor, every available credit information bureau, every legally available identity database belonging to a third party, every financial institution, every government authority or other third parties who are legally bound to limited Creditor for the purpose of providing Financing facilities to Debtor based on this Agreement; (d) correct writing/typing errors in the Debtor’s Personal Data in the Application and/or Agreement, if any; (e) Verify and analyze Personal Data regarding legally available data and information in connection with: (i) telecommunication and mobile phone services used by the Debtor; (ii) information regarding the Debtor’s tax statement, and (iii) Debtor’s social security data; and (iv) use of Personal Data for other purposes as deemed necessary and appropriate by Creditor in connection with Financing and other financial services that are permitted according to applicable laws and regulations.
B.Financing Application
1.The Debtor has voluntarily applied for Financing and provided correct and accurate Personal Data through an electronic application form facilitated by the Creditor and/or partners working with the Creditor (“Application”), which is an integral part of this Agreement.
2.The Debtor is obliged to notify the Creditor whenever there is a change in the Debtor’s data that has been provided in the Application.
C.Use of Financing for Product Purchases
1.Financing is only given to Debtor to be used in terms of purchasing products (“Product Purchase”) through online merchants, offline merchants, or e-commerce partners that have collaborated with the Creditor with the purchase details as referred to in the Agreement (“Use of Financing”) where purchase receipts or proof of purchase of the Product can be downloaded and accessed directly by the Debtor in the online merchants, offline merchants, or e-commerce partners.
2.The Debtor will sign, provide, and submit to the Creditor as instructed by the Creditor, every document required by the Creditor to verify that the Financing Principal is used in accordance with certain uses, including proof of payment/bills/receipts that can be issued through electronic applications.
3.The Debtor authorizes the Creditor to (a) Disburse the Financing Principal to the related Product Seller or as stated in the Application; (b) Conduct inspections at any time during and after the Financing Period to prove that the Financing is properly used in accordance with the Use of Financing, and (c) Correct writing/typing errors in a proof of payment/bills/receipts related to the Agreement, if any.
D.Acknowledgment of Debt
1.The Debtor is stated in this Agreement and is legally indebted to the Creditor for the Financing Principal, Total Interest Amount, Total Down Payment, Penalties, and other costs as stated in the Financing Details.
2.Financing is deemed to have been provided to the Debtor when the Creditor and Debtor sign this Agreement.
E.Rights and Obligations of the Parties
Without prejudice to the rights and obligations of The Parties that have been regulated in the Agreement including the Financing Terms and Conditions, the rights and obligations of The Parties are as follows:
1.The Debtor is obliged and responsible for costs incurred in connection with the process of installment repayments to Creditor, including but not limited to bank administration fees or other fees.
2.The Debtor has the right to know the amount of his/her remaining debt, obtain a form of repayment at the end of the Financing, and other rights that have been regulated and guaranteed to be enforced based on applicable legal regulations.
3.The Creditor has the right to receive payments from the Debtor, make and/or attempt to bill the Debtor and request data and/or documents from the Debtor that are needed to update data and information.
4.The Debtor is obliged to make payments as agreed on time and in good faith, show the existence of the financed goods when requested, guarantee the proper use of the financed goods, permit the Creditor at any time during the validity period of the Agreement to enter the yard and building where the goods are those who are financed are located, to examine and test the continuity of debt payments, must notify in writing if they change address, and comply with the financing Agreement that has been mutually agreed upon.
5.The Creditor is obliged to respect the rights of the Debtor in accordance with applicable law, notify the amount of the Debtor’s remaining debt if requested, provide proof of receipt of payment, and comply with the mutually agreed Financing Agreement.
F.Shipping and Delivery of Products
1.Product delivery and handover are the sole responsibility of the Seller. The Debtor agrees to release the Creditor from any failure and/or negligence in connection with the delivery and handover of the Product.
2.In the event that the Debtor has received the Product and signed the Receipt, the Debtor states that the Debtor has checked and is satisfied with the received Product.
3.The Debtor agrees to continue to repay installments until it is paid off to the Creditor for the product that has been received as intended even if the Product is damaged, lost, defective or negligence occurs on the part of the seller.
G.Interest, Installments, and Other Fees
1.The Creditor will charge interest and other fees on the Financing Principal to the Debtor as stated in the Financing details.
2.Every down payment and service fee must be paid before the Debtor receives the Product from the Seller.
3.The Debtor is required to pay monthly installment repayment through (a) the Creditor’s official payment channel, or (b) a Party that legally represents the Creditor and is required to keep the proof of the payment.
4.Each Monthly Installment Repayment can consist of Financing Principal, Total Interest, and Penalties. The Debtor may also be charged fees related to the installment repayment process charged by the bank or provider channel payment chosen by the Debtor.
H.Early Repayment
The Debtor has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time with the approval of the Creditor and continue to pay (i) the next Monthly Installment Repayment Amount and (ii) the entire unpaid Financing Principal. Early repayment without prior approval from the Creditor is the responsibility of the Debtor personally.
I.Future Statements and Agreements
1.The Debtor agrees to use the Financing Facility as required.
2.The Debtor agrees to provide all information/remarks/data relating to the Debtor’s finances and in the event of circumstances that may affect the Debtor’s finances, whether requested or not requested by the Creditor.
3.Based on the prior approval of the Debtor, the Creditor or his/her representative may: (a) Contact the Debtor and his/her alternative contact(s) through personal communication at any time during and after the Financing Period as permitted by applicable laws and regulations, (b) Share and use the Debtor’s Personal Data for various other Financing offer schemes (“Additional Financing Offers”) or other promotional schemes (“Promotions”), which can be offered and provided by Creditor or other third parties who work with Creditor; and (c) Using the Debtor’s contact details as a mean to obtain any future agreements and approvals from the Debtor for the Additional Financing and Promotional Offers, which may be offered and provided by the Creditor or other parties cooperating with the Creditor.
4.The Debtor agrees that all forms of discussions, consensus, and/or agreements via telecommunications that are carried out electronically or through the Debtor’s registered contact details will be recorded and stored by the Creditor according to their authority.
1.The Debtor is considered to have committed an event of default when: (a) The Debtor has neglected or failed to fulfill one or more of his/her obligations as specified in this Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions; (b) The Debtor intentionally moves places and/or changes address and does not notify Creditor in written notes with the aim of avoiding Installment repayments to Creditor; (c) The Debtor deliberately diverts/removes/transfers the financed goods to another party without obtaining prior written approval from the Creditor; (d) The Debtor has been negligent or failed to make the Monthly Installment Repayment when the related installment repayment date is due; (e) the Debtor provides a false statement/information/document and/or the validity of which is doubtful; and/or (f) the Debtor performs other actions that may cause harm to the Creditor.
2.In the event of default as referred to above, the Creditor has the right to issue a warning (in the form determined by the Creditor) provided that:
i. Overdue installment repayments of up to 3 (three) calendar days, will be given the first warning;
ii. After the first warning, delays in installment repayments of more than 7 (seven) calendar days will be given a second warning.
iii. After the second warning, overdue installment repayments of more than 30 (thirty) calendar days will be given a third warning.
3.In the event that the Third warning letter relating to the event of default as referred to above has expired, the Creditor has the right to terminate this Agreement and the Debtor is obliged to pay off all of his/her obligations immediately, including the unpaid Financing Principal, Total Interest Amount, and Overdue Installment Repayment Penalty and all other outstanding fees.
4.Creditor and Debtor hereby waive Articles 1266 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code so that a court decision is not required before this Agreement can be terminated.
K.Dispute Resolution
If there is a Dispute between the Debtor and the Creditor, there is a choice of Dispute resolution mechanisms through the following:
Settlement of Disputes through the consumer complaint unit or other similar units which has been provided by the Creditor;
Dispute Settlement through Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority in accordance with applicable regulations the Parties agree that the provisions or decisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution.
Settlement of Disputes through the Central Jakarta District Court Registrar. Nonetheless, the Debtor acknowledges and agrees that the Creditor has the right to file a lawsuit against the Debtor in any other District Court that has jurisdiction or authority over the Debtor and the Debtor’s assets.
Regarding the settlement of Disputes through the consumer complaint unit as referred to in point K.1 above, the Debtor can report or submit complaints through the media provided by the Creditor, such as through call center, live chat, walk-in, social media, or through the Consumer Protection Portal Application (APPK). The following is a brief complaint service procedure for each media provided by the Creditor:
a. The Debtor reports via APPK on the website browser by completing the following data: a) Debtor Name; b) ID Card Number; c) contactable telephone number; d) residential address; and e) complaint description.
b. The Creditor’s customer service team will confirm receipt of the complaint to the Debtor by telephone or push notification through the Creditor’s system that will appear on the Application on the Debtor’s device, which at least consists of the complaint registration number, complaint receipt date, and the telephone number of the function or complaint service unit that can be contacted by the Debtor.
c. The Creditor’s customer service team will conduct an initial analysis/investigation and settlement of the Debtor’s complaint within a maximum of 5 (five) working days.
d. In the event that there is a shortage of documents, the Creditor will give the Debtor the opportunity to complete the lack of documents within 20 (twenty) working days. This period can be extended for the next 20 (twenty) working days, in the event that there are certain conditions in the form of: a) the required documents are not at the Debtor’s domicile; and/or b) there are other matters which are beyond the control of the Debtor, such as the involvement of other parties outside the Debtor in the collection of documents required by the Debtor.
e. Debtor complaints will be followed up and resolved within a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days after the complete documents related to the complaint are received. This period can be extended for a maximum period of 20 (twenty) subsequent working days, which will be notified to the Debtor in written notes before the initial period ends, in the event that there are certain conditions in the form of: a) the Creditor’s office that received the complaint is not the same as the Creditor’s office where the problem occurred and there were communication problems between the two Creditor’s offices; b) complaints submitted by the Debtor require a special examination of the Creditor’s documents; and/or c) there are other matters which are beyond the control of the Creditor.
f. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will close the complaint report to APPK by uploading a complaint settlement letter.
2.Live Chat
a. Debtor can submit complaints through the Live Chat feature on Debtor’s Application.
b. Debtor can communicate with the Customer Service Team directly via chat on the application to report complaints, according to personnel availability.
c. Reporting of complaints by Debtor can be handled by the CS Team within 24 hours for 7 (seven) days.
d. Live Chat Customer Service Team will respond to any complaints submitted to the Debtor’s account in a maximum of 1 (one) working day, by verifying the Debtor’s information. From the verification results, then:
If the Debtor’s data can be verified, then the complaint report is registered and followed up to the next reporting stage. If the Debtor’s data cannot be verified, then the Live Chat CS Team will contact the Debtor to request for a lack of data and if the data provided cannot be verified again, then the complaint report cannot be registered and the complaint report will be closed by submitting it via DM (Direct Message) and a Reporting Rejection Letter will be made along with the reasons for the rejection of the report and is sent via email to the Debtor.
e. Debtor complaints submitted via Live Chat will be followed up and resolved in a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days after the complete documents related to the complaint are received.
f. Follow-Up CS Team will contact the Debtor by telephone and email to explain or provide answers to the reported complaints.
g. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will forward the complaint settlement information to the Debtor via email.
a. Debtor can submit complaints through conventional media and online media.
b. Any complaints that arise and originate from the Media will be handled firsthand by the Public Relation (PR) Team.
c. The PR Team will inform the Customer Service Team through email regarding the reporting of Debtor complaints for further handling and resolution of complaints.
d. CS Team Leader conducts analysis and verification of Debtor data regarding the correctness of complaint reporting and if it is indeed addressed to Creditor and if the Debtor data already exists in the report.
From the verification results, then:
e. If the Debtor’s data can be verified, then the complaint report is registered and followed up to the next reporting stage. If the Debtor’s data cannot be verified, then there is no Debtor data. If there is no Debtor data, then inform the PR Team to make an informed response link Google form, so that Debtor can provide personal data information for the complaint resolution process.
f. CS Team Leader will check periodically whether there is Debtor who have filled in the Google form. If the Debtor fills in the Google form, then the complaint will be followed up and if the data provided cannot be verified again, then the complaint report cannot be registered and the complaint report is closed.
g. Debtor complaints submitted through the Media will be followed up and resolved in a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days after the complete documents related to the complaint are received.
h. The CS Specialist team contacted the Debtor by telephone and email to explain or provide answers to the complaints reported.
i. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will forward the complaint resolution information to the Debtor via email and inform the PR Team to provide feedback on the Reader’s Letter page.
4.Social media
a. Debtor can submit complaints on the Creditor’s official social media account.
b. The Social Media Customer Service Team will respond to any complaints submitted through the Creditor’s social media account within a maximum period of 1 (one) working day and will verify the information provided by the Debtor.
c. From the verification results, then:
If the Debtor’s data can be verified, then the complaint report is registered and followed up to the next reporting stage. If the Debtor’s data cannot be verified, the Social Media CS Team will contact the Debtor to request a lack of data and if the data provided cannot be verified again, then the complaint report cannot be registered and the complaint report will be closed and notified via DM (Direct Message) and a Reporting Rejection Letter will be made along with the reasons for the rejection that will be sent via email to the Debtor.
d. Debtor complaints submitted via Social Media will be followed up and resolved in a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days after the complete documents related to the complaint are received.
e. CS Specialist Team will contact the Debtor by telephone and email to explain or provide answers regarding the reported complaints.
f. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will forward the complaint settlement information to the Debtor via email.
5. Front Desk (Walk-in)
a. The Debtor submits his/her complaints by visiting the Creditor’s office, which complaint is then stated in a complaint acceptance form signed by the Debtor. In this case, the Debtor is required to bring 1) the original ID Card or if the Debtor is represented by another party, the party representing the Debtor must bring the original ID Card, signed and stamped power of attorney, and the Debtor’s original ID Card; and 2) information on complaints or grievances.
b. In the event that there is a shortage of documents, the Creditor will provide an extension of the time period as an opportunity for the Debtor to complete the lack of documents within 20 (twenty) working days. This period can be extended for the next 20 (twenty) working days, in the event that there are certain conditions in the form of a) the required documents are not located at the Debtor’s domicile; and/or b) there are other matters which are beyond the control of the Debtor, such as the involvement of other parties outside the Debtor in the collection of documents required by the Debtor.
c. Debtor Complaints submitted by walk-ins will be followed up and completed within a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days since the documents related to the complaint are received in full. This period can be extended for a maximum period of 20 (twenty) subsequent working days, which will be notified to the Debtor in written notes before the initial period ends, in the event that there are certain conditions in the form of: a) the Creditor’s office that received the complaint is not the same as the Creditor’s office where the complained problem occurred and there were communication problems between the two Creditor’s offices; b) complaints submitted by the Debtor require special examination of the Creditor’s documents; or c) there are other matters which are beyond the control of the Creditor.
d. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will forward the complaint settlement information to the Debtor via telephone and email.
6.Call Center
a. The Debtor submits his/her complaint by contacting the Creditor call center. The Creditor call center team then communicates with the Debtor and inputs the Debtor’s complaint data and information into the Creditor’s system. After receiving the complaint, the call center team will send confirmation of receipt of complaints to the Debtor consisting of at least the complaint registration number and the date of receipt of the complaint, which can be provided via telephone, SMS, e-mail, facsimile, website, and/or other electronic media that are officially managed by the Creditor.
b. The call center team will try to provide a solution regarding Debtor complaints. If the complaint can be resolved, then the call center team will close the Debtor’s complaint.
c. Follow-up handling of Debtor complaints that cannot be resolved by the call center team will be followed up and resolved no later than 5 (five) working days after the complaint is received by the call center team. If further supporting documents are needed, the call center team asks the Debtor to submit a complaint in writing by attaching the supporting documents in question.
d. If the complaint has been resolved, the Creditor will forward the complaint settlement information to the Debtor via telephone and email.
L. Others
1. The Debtor understands and agrees that the Financing as stated in the Financing Details can be received by the Debtor from more than 1 (one) Creditor, and/or can be transferred from one Creditor to another. Accordingly, the Debtor hereby agrees that:
a)The Creditor has the right and authority to transfer either all or part of its rights and obligations arising under this Agreement to any third party; And
b)in the case, as stated in point a) above, the Debtor accepts that the later renewed Agreement can be signed on any date after the Financing is received by the Debtor.
For the avoidance of doubt, in any case, the transfer of Financing obligations from a Creditor to another Creditor does not affect the Financing Principal received and the amount of obligations to be paid by the Debtor, as well as other rights of the Debtor under this Agreement.
The Debtor will receive notifications regarding the transfer of Financing obligations from the Creditor to other Creditor via the email registered by the Debtor through the Shop application or through other channels determined by the Creditor and agreed upon by the Debtor.
2. The Creditor may, in that case, continue to carry out the administration of said rights and obligations. The Debtor hereby agrees that, in this case, the Creditor may use information regarding the transferred rights and obligations to fulfill other obligations, from the Creditor, arising from this Agreement.
1 | Purpose of Financing | Consumptive |
2 | Financing Objects | Purchase of products with Order details No. {orderNo} |
3 | Down Payment | Rp{downPayment} |
4 | Financing Principal | Rp{principal} |
5 | Financing Monthly Interest Rate | {monthlyInterestRate}% |
6 | Interest in Rupiah per Month | In accordance with provision E of the Agreement |
7 | Installment Tenure | {period} Month/Day/Year |
8 | Service Fee | Rp{serviceFee} |
9 | Repayment Due Date | {repaymentDate} |
10 | Percentage of Overdue Penalty | 6% of the total unpaid monthly installment repayment, unpaid interest and unpaid administration fees per month |
11 | Insurance Fee | 0 |
12 | Miscellaneous Fee | 0 |
Installment Tenors | 3 Months | |||
Total Installment Repayments Per Month | Rp467,800 | |||
Financing Principal + Interest | Rp1,403,400 | |||
Installment Tenures | 3 Months | |||
Price of Goods | Rp1,539,000 | |||
Shipping Fee | Rp9,000 | |||
Service Fee | Rp0 | |||
Insurance Fee | Rp0 | |||
Miscellaneous Fees | Rp0 | |||
Product Discount | Rp54,000 | |||
Down Payment | Rp224,100 | |||
Financing Principal | Rp1,269,900 | |||
Total Monthly Installment Repayment | Rp467,800 | |||
Total Financing Interest Rate | 10.51% | |||
Total Amount of Financing Interest | Rp133,500 |
Total Nominal Installment: Rp3,300,000; Tenor 3 times; Monthly installment of Rp1,100,000, first due on the 1st of the month on the 25th | ||||||||||
Installment Principal + Interest + Administration Fee | Month 1 the 27th, Penalty | Month 2 Date 1 | Month 2 27th, Penalty | Month 3 27th, Penalty | Month 3 30th | Month 4 27th, Penalty | Month 5 27th, Penalty | Month 6 27th, Penalty | Total Penalty to be Paid | Notes |
Monthly Installment 1 | Debtor has not paid then a penalty of Rp66,000 will be imposed | Debtor pays Rp300,000 | Rp48,000 | Rp48,000 | Debtor pays Rp800,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Rp162,000 | Total penalty to be paid for 1st Monthly Installment on the 27th of month 4 |
Monthly Installment 2 | 0 | 0 | Debtor has not paid then a penalty of Rp66,000 will be imposed | Rp66.000 | Debtor pays Rp200,000 | Rp54,000 | Rp54,000 | 0 | Rp240,000 | Total penalty to be paid for 2nd Monthly Installment on the 27th of month 5 |
Monthly Installment 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Debtor has not paid then a penalty of Rp66,000 will be imposed | Debtor has not made the payment | Rp66,000 | Rp66,000 | Rp66,000 | Rp264,000 | Total penalty to be paid for 3rd Monthly Installment on the 27th of month 6 |
Total nominal penalty per month from the Monthly Installment to be paid | Rp66,000 | Rp180,000 | Rp360,000 | Rp480,000 | Rp600,000 | Rp666,000 | Rp666,000 |