Helping the Welfare of Mustahik, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia Hands Over Company Alms through BAZNAS RI

The National Alms Agency (BAZNAS) of the Republic of Indonesia received a distribution of corporate alms from PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia amounting to IDR 110 million, which will be distributed through various programs to improve the welfare of mustahik. 


“This is a collaboration that we have done many times, where this time BAZNAS distributed the donations of the company PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia through the Ramadhan Blessings Dish Program, Orphanage Assistance, Quran Distribution and Health Services at several points in Jabodetabek,” said Head of BAZNAS RI for Collection, Rizaludin Kurniawan M.Sc. CFRM, in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/4/2024). 


Rizaludin hopes that what PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia has done can be an example for other companies, a good example, in addition to continuing to develop the economy but not forgetting to share. 


Previously, the handover of the company’s alms was held at Our Bintara School, Bekasi, West Java, Tuesday (3/26/2024), which was attended by the Head of the Zakat Collection Division of the BAZNAS RI Agency Argo Sayoto, President Director of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia Efrinal Sinaga, and the Pioneer and Founder of Our School, Dr. Irina Amongpradja.


“Alhamdulillah, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia for entrusting their company’s donations through BAZNAS RI,” said Head of the Zakat Collection Division of BAZNAS RI, Argo Sayoto, who attended the donation handover. 


Argo hopes that the BAZNAS program together with PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia can provide a positive impact on the beneficiaries and receive blessings from Allah SWT.


Meanwhile, President Director of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia Efrinal Sinaga hopes that the company’s donations that have been given can be felt by the wider community.


“Hopefully the cooperation that has been established with BAZNAS RI can continue, especially in the field of education, because this is a long-term investment. These children are the next prospective scholars born by the Indonesian nation,” he said. 


On the same occasion, the Pioneer and Founder of Our School, Dr. Irina Amongpradja responded to the activities carried out by BAZNAS RI and PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia. 


“Thank you also to BAZNAS RI and Akulaku who have organized activities here, we from our school can also feel the blessings and benefits of this program,” he concluded.