SILVRR Logistics Terms and Conditions

SILVRR is an online installment shopping platform providing selected daily products at good prices for smart life consumers. In order to maintain and optimize the operating order of SILVRR ( and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of its users, SILVRR has formulated the rules of this platform (Seller Rules) (hereinafter referred to as “SILVRR Rules” or “The Rules”), including basic rules, industry standards, intellectual property rights rules, rules of prohibited and restricted products, marketing rules, merchant recruitment standards, seller protection policies, and other relevant rules formulated from time to time to restrict sellers. The Rules apply to SILVRR sellers from China (including Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan) and are part of the merchant service agreement between SILVRR and the sellers. The Rules, along with other agreements and rules on the platform (also referred to as the “platform rules”) including but not limited to website usage agreement, privacy policy, website membership registration agreement, online transaction service agreement, etc., are binding at the same time. In order to maintain the platform order on SILVRR and protect the rights of sellers and buyers, SILVRR reserves the right to change the rules and will make an announcement on the platform website when the rules have been changed. The relevant changes will take effect after a specified period after the announcement. If the seller disagrees with the relevant changes, he/she should immediately stop using the relevant services or products on SILVRR before the relevant changes take effect; otherwise, it is deemed that the sellers accept the changes to the Rules.

This article focuses on logistics rules.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Basic Obligations of Sellers

Article 1 Sellers shall comply with the SILVRR product release rules of various categories; it is prohibited to publish restricted products or information. For details, please refer to the SILVRR Restricted Products.

Article 2 Sellers shall abide by the management principle of good faith, fulfill order requirements in a timely manner, fulfill service promises, etc., and shall not engage in dishonest behaviors such as false transactions, false deliveries, and mismatching of description and products. For details, please refer to transaction-related rules.

Article 3 Sellers shall protect consumers’ right to know and fulfill the obligation of information disclosure. Publishing products with true descriptions, including but not limited to all descriptions in the channels provided by the platform such as product description pages, store pages, LiveChat, etc., and providing buyers with true and complete descriptions of the products and services, including but not limited to the methods and prices of logistics, after-sales, insurance, and other services, and the basic attributes, functions, packaging, colors, and prices of products, etc. The sellers should not provide false or misleading descriptions. The prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to the following:

Chapter 2 Basic Obligations of Buyers

Article 1 Buyers shall comply with the relevant performance agreement of the platform and provide complete and accurate receipt information.

Chapter 3 Logistics Fulfillment Rules

Article 1 Logistics Delivery

(1) Based on the logistics policy of the platform, the seller can independently choose the logistics delivery service and decide to sell the products by free shipping or not. If it is the non-free-shipping mode that the buyer bears the delivery fees, the seller should disclose to the buyer the relevant information of the logistics service accurately and comprehensively, including but not limited to the logistics service fee charged by the seller to the buyer, and the additional logistics fees charged by the offline logistics service provider designated by the seller (such as logistics service fees, tariffs, VAT, etc.), etc. If the seller fails to accurately disclose the relevant information of the logistics service to the buyer in accordance with the aforementioned rules and the buyer initiates a dispute settlement request, the buyer has the right to cancel the transaction, and the seller shall bear the full cost of the part that has not been truthfully notified.

(2) SILVRR currently suggests sellers adopt the free shipping mode.

(3) The logistics service provider and logistics tracking number the sellers filled in in the delivery release must be complete, true, accurate, and can be queried.

(4) In order to ensure business order and buyers’ experience, SILVRR requires sellers to choose appropriate logistics channels for shipments to avoid overtime delivery. In addition, the unified send-out time is T+2 working days, and the products shall be sent out within two days by default on SILVRR. Please arrange the delivery in a timely manner. The requirements of logistics timeliness are:

(5) The buyer is not allowed to modify the address after the seller sends out the products.


SILVRR Refund and Return Policy


Updated on December 1, 2021

1. Return/Refund Application

According to SILVRR Refund and Return Policy and SILVRR Merchant Service Terms, buyers can apply for product return and/or refund services before the expiration of the SILVRR guarantee period specified in the terms.

2. Buyer’s Rights

  1. i) The buyer enjoys a 15-day return protection period after the receipt of products according to the law and can apply for return and exchange under the following circumstances:
  1. ii) The buyer cannot apply for a refund under the following circumstances:

Special promotional products are subject to separate agreements.

Please note that the buyer must return each product to the seller without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date the buyer communicates the decision to cancel the order. The buyer will be liable and not entitled to request the seller to refund any value reduction caused by the handling of the products.

If the buyer has begun to take legal action against the seller, the buyer needs to provide SILVRR with a formal notice from the relevant authorities, requiring SILVRR to continue to hold the purchase money until a formal decision is obtained. SILVRR will decide whether it is necessary to continue to hold such purchase money.

3. Seller’s Rights

SILVRR will notify the seller when receiving the buyer’s return and/or refund application. The seller can respond to the buyer’s application according to the steps provided by SILVRR in the written notice. The seller must respond within the time period specified in the written notice (the “specified time period”). If SILVRR does not receive the seller’s message within the specified time period, SILVRR will assume that the seller has not responded to the buyer’s application (no objection), and will continue to assist the buyer in the return/refund application without prior notice to the seller.

SILVRR will review the response of each seller on a case-by-case basis, and determine whether the buyer’s application is successful or not based on the buyer’s mentioned situations.

4. Return Conditions

In order to enjoy a hassle-free experience when returning the product, the buyer should ensure that the product, including any free products, such as the accessories attached to the product, must be returned to the seller in the state the buyer received at the time of delivery (the time of signing for receipt). Therefore, the returned product must be brand new, unworn, and intact. Second-hand products must not have any additional damage or traces of use. We suggest that the buyer take photos after receiving the product.

5. Accountability of the Delivery Fees of Returned Products

  1. i) If an unforeseen error happened to the products on account of the seller (for example, delivering damaged, defective or wrong products to the buyer), the seller will bear the buyer’s return delivery fees.
  2. ii) In the event that the buyer changes his/her mind, the buyer shall obtain the seller’s consent before submitting a return request, and the buyer shall bear the return delivery fees.

iii) In the event of a dispute between the buyer and seller on the accountability for the return delivery fees, SILVRR will determine the party responsible for the return delivery fees.

6. Refund and Disputes

  1. i) Generally, for the order that the buyer has initiated a refund application but the seller has already sent out the products, the order’s amount will be refunded to the buyer after SILVRR has received the seller’s confirmation on the receipt of the returned products.
  2. ii) When SILVRR receives the refund and dispute settlement request initiated by a user, SILVRR will negotiate and handle transaction issues for the buyer and the seller based on the actual situation. If SILVRR does not receive the buyer or the seller’s message within the specified time period, SILVRR will have the right to determine the accountabilities of both parties and refund the money to the buyer or cancel the dispute without prior notice to the buyer or seller. The specified time period is usually 3 working days.

7. Communications Between the Seller and the Buyer

SILVRR encourages its users (buyers and sellers) to communicate with each other when there is an issue of transaction. Since SILVRR is a platform for users to conduct transactions, buyers should contact the sellers directly to solve any problems related to the purchased products.