Akulaku Finance Ready to Hold “Young Generation Can Do Everything” at Unri

PEKANBARU (RIAUPOS.CO) – Choosing Pekanbaru City as the Fourth City in Sumatra. PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, which is an ecosystem providing digital financial technology services, is ready to hold a financial literacy program entitled Young Generation Everyone Can at the University of Riau, Wednesday (29/5).

This was stated by Akulaku Indonesia Public Relations & Government Relations Nicholas Nuriman Jayabuana representing Akulaku Finance Indonesia President Director Efrinal Sinaga, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia Senior Legal Manager Rinjani Indah Lestari, Akulaku Indonesia Public Relations & Government Relations Esther Rahayu, Akulaku Public Relations & Government Relations Indonesia Merdias Ananta, and Public Relations & Government Relations Akulaku Indonesia Bayu Pangestu when visiting Riau Pos, Tuesday (28/5).

The presence of the team from PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia to Riau Pos was warmly welcomed by the Director of Riau Pos Firman Agus and the Director of Riau Pos Asmawi Ibrahim along with other Riau Pos management staff. Public Relations & Government Relations Akulaku Indonesia Nicholas Nuriman Jayabuana explained that the activity aims to invite the younger generation to take part in the development of the digitalization era. (baby)